The main objective of this problem type is to determine why:
I. Incoming calls are not working
II. Outgoing calls are not working
III. Calls are interrupted after a certain time
Check the operational configuration in the Portal:
a. Check the PBX OrgUnit:
- Is there a blocking Public Call Permission responsible?
b. Check the PBX Dashboard:
- Is there the limit of external calls reached?
c. Check the PBX Settings:
- Is the PBX still active (date valid)
Check the Trace:
Was there an incoming INVITE from the PSTN with the B number? If no INVITE was received:
- Check with the PSTN provider, why this number is not routed to this anSwitch.
Check in the Call List if the call was routed in the anSwitch to the PSTN or OnNet destination:
a. Check the dialed B number:
- Is the dialed B number correct public PSTN number?
- Is the dialed B number a OnNet public PSTN number?
b. Check the PBX Settings of A:
- Is the TopStop of the PBX reached?
c. Check in the Extension Settings of A:
- Is there a blocking Public Call Permission responsible?
d. If B is a OnNet destination, check in its Extension Features:
- Are the assigned phones registered?
e. Check the Trace:
Was there an incoming INVITE with the B number from the A user?
If no INVITE was received:
• Check with the A user, why this call did not work:
- Phone defect?
- Phone not correct connected?
- Phone not registered is it correct configured?
- No internet access?
• Was there an INVITE from the anSwitch to the PSTN or OnNet destination?
- Is in this INVITE the B number still correct?
- Was there any SIP cause response from the PSTN provider like:
- 4xx: Failure responses from the B side
- 6xx: No route was found in the routing table
If no INVITE was sent:
- Check the SIP cause response of the anSwitch
- Check the Support Log with the call-ID of this call and search for any hints
Interrupted connections can have multiple reasons:
I. Charge limitation by a TopStop
II. Unintentional "hooking on" of the phone by a user
III. Connection supervision by the phones (Session Timer)
IV. Media stream supervision by any devise in the telephone system e.g., no RTP packets during 30sec
V. Phone defect
** I. - II. are the most common reasons.
I. Check interruption by TopStop:
a. Check the PBX Settings of A:
- Is the TopStop of the PBX reached?
II. Check for unintended "hook on" of a user:
a. Search the call in the PBX Calls list > Select Show Call Stats
b. Check in the Technical Info:
- SIP Status
- Cause of Release(Q850)
For details on the SIP response codes, see:
III. Check the call supervision by the SIP Session Timer:
a. Search the call in the PBX Calls list > Select Show Call Stats
b. Check in the Technical Info:
- SIP Status
- Cause of Release(Q850)
c. Search the call in the PBX Calls list > Select Download SIP Trace
d. Analyze the trace for timed out "Session timers"
- "Session Timer" within the dialog is expired without renewal.
- It is typically renewed every 180 - 300sec via RE-INVITE
- The renegotiated is initiated by the pre-negotiated side (refresher)
IV. Check for RTP media problems if the release reason of the SIP trace points to the PSTN:
a. Search the call in the PBX Calls list > Select Show Call Stats
b. Check in the Quality Info for:
- High packet loss